In Memorium

Maryla Podarewska-Jakubowski

Maryla was an Architect, Painter, Digital Image Artist. Graduated with MA in Architecture at Warsaw Technical University. She worked as an architect on various commercial architectural projects in England, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland and Poland and participated in exhibitions of pastels, paintings, photograph and digital images in London and Art Galleries in Norwich, Poland and France. Her work is held in private collections in England, Poland, Denmark and France. Artist Statement: "I paint to remind myself how wonderful the world is. Sometimes I like to experiment with my pictures, trying to blur the border between the painting and the photography by using digital manipulation."





Elzbieta Lewandowska

Elzbieta was born in Poland and after finishing her studies in literature in Gdansk became first a poet before she started to paint in the 70s. She was the Secretary of the Association of Polish Artists in Great Britain and has taken part in all their exhibitions, as well as having many solo exhibitions in England and Poland. She was first and foremost a colourist, favouring pastel and water colour as mediums, taking as inspiration very often the mystery of the cosmos.


Elzbieta Lewandowska, landscape, artist, seascape, painting


Elsbieta Lewandowska, artist, painter


Elsbieta Lewandowska, oil painter, artist, painting